3 stats that explain why every business needs to be on Instagram

I can’t lie, I am pretty much always on Instagram but if I wasn’t you would worry right? I have been coaching businesses for 9 months now and as I research brands, I still see so many businesses not using the channel to its top potential, if this sounds like you, here are 3 statistics that explain why you need to improve your relationship with Instagram.

  1. Instagram keeps growing and growing…

    In June 2018, Instagram reported to have over 1 billion monthly active users. This grew from 800 million in September, 2017 – Business.instagram.com

  2. Consumers are buying…

    72% of Instagram users say they have purchased a product they saw on the app – Jan 2019 – Website hosting rating

  3. It’s influencers preferred channel..

    78% of  Influencers prefer Instagram for Brand Collaboration – Emarketer

Got some questions about your business and how you can use Instagram to grow it? Get in touch on info@renuravalia.com