The 80/20 rule explained

Want to get more engagement on your posts? Here is the 80/20 rule in Social media explained as an infographic to help you reach your 2020 goals.

If you want to create a Social Media profile that get’s engagement, you need to think about the content you share and this is where the 80/20 rules comes in.

If you put yourself in your customers position, would you want to see posts that constantly sell a product? Unless you are a brand who has 500k followers, the answer is probably no.

The 80/20 rules says only 20% of your posts should sell and help drive sales, the remaining 80% should be valuable content that is informative/educational/personable/creative.

Remember, it has to be about your customer and not about you. Still don’t get it? This infographic should help and if you still need more help, get in touch here and we can discuss how to create a content plan for your business.

80% Vs 20%

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Tips to encourage engagement on Social Media

What do you need to know to help you create more engaging posts on Social Media? Here are some simple tips and advice.

I have recently been doing lots of Content Plans for businesses, some businesses don’t know where to start with this and just need some support and a plan to help them build on. Realising the lack of knowledge when it comes to creating posts for social media, here are some tips for getting yourself noticed.

Instagram – Don’t be too salsely, the worst thing I see if people saying LINK IN BIO in every post.

Facebook – Include a link if you want people to learn more. Facebook is not like Instagram so don’t be scared to doing the harder sell.

Instagram – Give details, your audience don’t know what you do so don’t be shy to give lots of detail of what it is you are promoting.

Facebook – Hashtags don’t work on Facebook like they do on Instagram, the only time they are acceptable is if something is trending, for example #mentalhealthawarenessweek

Instagram – Use good images and be creative, Instagram is an image led channel so image is what will help you get noticed.

Facebook & Instagram – Ask questions, if you want people to talk to you, be specific and ask them questions.

Facebook & Instagram – Mix up your content, don’t just put one product, after another, sit down and think about everything you have to offer and mix it up.

I want more help please…

If you want more tips on using Social Media, head over to my IGTV channel for inspiration and advice – I am Renu Ravalia IGTV Channel or just send me an email on to learn more about how I can help you.


Photo Credit: William Iven via Unspalsh

Using award nominations to collect good Social Media Content

Learn how can you be using award nominations to create fresh content for your Social Media.

Being nominated for an award is a massive achievement for any business owner and should 100% be shouted about all over your Social Media channels, so why do so many people still not do it?

As good marketing is all about storytelling, a nomination shouldn’t just include one social media post with a photo of your nominee badge, be creative with your content and take advantage of the before, during and afters.

Last week I was interviewed by The Awards People sharing my advice around how you can do this, in the video below I talk more about the importance of generating content around the awards process.

Video Credit: Corporate Motion
Interviewee – Pam Marr
Vlog created for – The Awards People

Instagram hides likes -Everything you need to know – why, implications & strategy

Earlier this year, it was announced that Instagram would be hiding likes, although it hasn’t reached England yet, it has been rolled out in various other countries starting in Canada.

Why you ask? 

There has been a lot of negative press around Social Media and the effects it has on mental health, the world is already very fickle and being judged by the amount of likes a post gets forces people to feel under pressure which results in less posting and less engagement which isn’t great for the app or for those using it.

Although Instagram says the reason for doing this is due to trying to stop it being a popularity contest, I personally believe, this change could also be a result of them wanting people to spend more time on the app. If people don’t feel the pressure of likes, they will post more often and spend more time on Instagram. At the end of the day, Instagram is still a business, so if the amount of users decrease, this will impact how people advertise with the app.

How does this effect influencers? 

The second reason for this change is due to influencer marketing, Influencer sponsored content is still the best-performing stuff on Instagram, I personally find this really interesting, over the years, there has been a rise in influencers, having worked with some as a client, a lot of the time, when negotiating a fee, one of the KPI’s is the ability to attract likes to a post. This change means the content shared by influencers will need to result in more tangible results, using an influencer and building a fan base is great but what about conversion rate? The removal of likes will help filter out the real influencers from those who’s influence doesn’t necessary lead to results, because if the collaboration doesn’t result in sales, how justifiable is the money spent on influencer marketing?

What does this change actually mean?

In a recent article by Mobile Marketing, the following was cited:

Under the test, people will still be able to see all photos and videos in their feeds as usual. However, only the person who posted content will be able to see their likes and view counts.

“We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get,” said Instagram on Twitter. “You can still see your own likes by tapping on the list of people who’ve liked it, but your friends will not be able to see how many likes your post has received.”

What should you be doing now? 
  1. Videos

The introduction of IGTV was a massive hint as to where IG wanted the app to go to. Instagram have claimed that now popularity will be based on quality content and using video is one way you can ensure your message is heard.

2. Stories

You would have noticed engagement on stories improve over the last few months, this is because Instagram want you to be making more use of stories. You may not have even consciously noticed the urge to scroll right instead of down, I personally believe the popularity of stories is massively to do with our short attention span – another interesting observation.

3. Collaborations

Want to grow a genuine following? Find the right people to collaborate with, tap into people who share your audience and work out new and creative ways you can collaborate with them online and offline. Your strategy should never just be online, connecting with people offline is just as important for growth and helps you to get some great content.

More help please

Got any more questions about this or need some virtual support with your Instagram Strategy, send me an email on or head over to my Instagram here for more FREE advice – @iamrenuravalia

If you are East Midlands based, the next Instagram Workshop takes place on 5th September, you can learn more here.